Welcome to Soft Matter and Nano Engineering Lab!

Polymeric dumbbell particles by emulsion polymerization
Soft Matter
We use "soft matter" everyday, from soapy water to latex paint, from nylon stockings to rubber tire. Actually human beings cannot live without them - our body (tissues, blood and cells) is also "soft". Soft Matter has a fundamental and profound impact in our life. Soft Matter is flexible and complex (P-G De Gennes, my advisor's advisor, Nobel Lecture 1991), drastically different from the traditional "hard matter", such as metal and ceramic. Our research is aiming to reveal the principles underneath the complicated interactions and dynamics of soft matter, which will in turn help us design new materials to address challenges in broad areas involving energy, environment, agriculture, sustainability and human health.

Colloidsomes formed by Pickering emulsion
Mission & Goal
Our mission is to develop novel methods to improve human health and sustainability through scientific studies. Our lab focuses on both fundamental and applied aspects of soft matter and nano engineering field. We engage the state-of-art synthesis and characterization tools to invent and probe new soft-matter materials, and study the interactions between nanoparticles with biological systems. We also explore the details of how soft matter interact and assemble into hierarchical structures. We precisely control the assembly process by fine-tuning the chemical composition, surface property and the external environment. The ultimate goal is to improve the material performance and provide innovative solutions to address the issues in the real world applications.

Atomic structure of Au-Fe3O4 Dumbbell Nanocrystal
Career Training
Our research is highly interdisciplinary, from polymer chemistry to nanocrystal fabrication, from microscopy to biological assay analysis. These research topics offer a perfect opportunity for students to broaden their horizen and deepen their understanding of the materials science and engineering field. In addition, by working independently on research projects, students will have chance to learn the cutting-edge tools used in materials research field. More importantly, through experimental design, group discussion and technical presentation, our lab will help students develop the necessary skillset for their future careers in both acamdemia and industry.