
P-Card Process

  1. Complete the MSE Department Purchasing Card Worksheet (pink sheets found in 2220 Hoover).
  2. Attach a copy of the receipt/invoice and packing slip within 15 days of the purchase.
  • Provide a business purpose and adequate documentation (receipt/invoice) that identifies WHAT was purchased, WHERE it was purchased, WHO purchased it, and WHY it was purchased.
  • If all of this information is not contained on the receipt or invoice itself, it needs to be included as an explanation on the pink form or written on the receipt/invoice.
  • Payment will not be processed until adequate documentation is provided.
  • Send all items to Andrea Mauton in 2240 Hoover.

Filling out the P-Card Payment Form

  1. Transaction Date: date of purchase
  2. Cardholder: name of p-cardholder
  3. Requester: name of person making the purchasing request (sometimes different than the cardholder)
  4. Vendor Name/Address: vendor’s name/address where the purchase took place
  5. Order Confirmation #: confirmation # received from the company for the order, if provided
  6. Quantity ordered: amount ordered of the item
  7. Description/Catalog Number: item that was purchased
  8. Unit Cost: cost per unit for the item
  9. Extended Total Cost: total cost for all units bought of the item
  10. Account #: the fund account number(s) you  would like to use to pay for the purchase, the section project is required if available
  11. Business Purpose: a full description of what the item will be used for, for what project, and how it relates to ISU business.


  • Payment form, receipt/invoice, and packing slip are due within 15 days of the purchase
  • Attach the packing slip and invoice together with the p-card form on items that have been shipped directly to you.
  • Purchases that were not shipped require the original receipt and payment form attached together.
  • Failure to comply with purchasing procedures may result in termination of the p-card.

Hospitality purchases

Complete the pink p-card form like normal but also include:

  • Begin Date: date the event started
  • End Date: Date the event ended
  • Location: where the event was held
  • Event Type: choose the type of event that took place (ex: seminar series, business meeting, etc.)
  • Participants: list all who attended the event,  including ISU employees, etc.


  • A copy of the itemized receipt and credit card receipt are required and should be attached to the pink p-card form before the payment can be processed.
  • If an item is missing, the card holder will be notified and further documentation will be requested before the payment will be processed.
  • Payment form and receipts are due within 15 business days of the purchase.
  • Failure to comply with purchasing procedures may result in termination of the p-card.


If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Mauton at amauton@iastate.edu or 515 294-6118.
