External Advisory Council

EAC group shot

The External Advisory Council is a group of selected individuals with a balance from industry and national laboratories with varying terminal academic degrees and at various stages of their careers. The EAC meets twice a year for one-day meetings to discuss the activities and direction of the department and has been critical in listening to students and faculty and providing feedback to ensure our department is moving towards continuous improvement. 

EAC Members

Joel Rieken, Linde Advanced Materials Technologies Inc. 

Gordon Davis, ATI Forged Products 

James Hudgens,  Georgia Tech Research Institute

Rick LopezJohn Deere

Mike Kessler, John Hopkins University 

Randilynn Christensen, 3M Corporate Research Laboratory

Dan Cavanaugh, Industrial Power Systems Division

Melbs LeMieux, Electroninks Incorporated

Mike McConney, Air Force Research Laboratory

Robert G. Visser, 3M Electronics & Energy Business Group (retired) and IMINTX Services

Joe Turner, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Jeff Czerniak, Apple

Lexi Springer, Advanced Heat Treat Corp.

