The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Iowa State University (ISU) has an enviable position among its contemporaries in the nation. The department attracts highly talented, hard working students.
Flexible Curriculum
A flexible curriculum with the choice of specialization areas and ample laboratory experience, small class size, dedicated faculty, and learning-based educational methodology provides graduates an excellent start to a life-long career in the materials science and engineering profession.
In 1999-2000, the department adopted a new materials engineering curriculum with four areas of specialization (ceramic, electronic, metallic, and polymeric materials), providing each student an opportunity to specialize in any two (or more) areas, again the first of its kind in the nation.
Over the last couple of decades, the US industry has undergone a major restructuring to improve its efficiency and responsiveness to customer needs. Guided by our External Advisory Council, we’ve been a leader in responding to the needs of industry.
The BS/MS Program
The Department also created the concurrent BS/MS program, which provides a unique opportunity for qualified students to pursue both bachelors and masters degree programs simultaneously. With careful planning, the students in this program may complete both BS and MS degree requirements in five years and earn a graduate research assistantship stipend during the final two years.
Research Centers Associated with Materials Science and Engineering
Department faculty and students participate in the research programs of ISU’s Ames National Laboratory, Microelectronic Research Center, and the Center for Nondestructive Evaluation.
These strong associations lead to one of the best research programs in the nation and provide on-campus laboratory employment opportunities for our undergraduate students. The excellent research facilities of these centers attract and retain outstanding faculty and graduate students.
As the only materials science and engineering program in Iowa, the MSE Department is recognized as the state’s primary source of materials science expertise.
MSE enjoys working partnerships for research projects, design projects, and co-op/internship experiences for students. Industry, students, and faculty all benefit from the Department’s active participation with the Center for Industrial Research and Service.