Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Matter
Materials engineers create new materials and improve existing materials. Everything is limited by the materials that are used to produce it. Materials engineers understand the relationship between the properties of a material and its internal structure — from the macro level down to the atomic level. The better the materials, the better the end result — it’s as simple as that.
From uncertain to passionate, student finds path in materials engineering
“I have really been enjoying working at Ames National Lab – having my hands in all sorts of different real-life research projects. Working through problems on each has been a great experience,” Erik DeMeyere said.
Graduate student gains international collaboration through MSE
“There is always something to work towards, and it’s very satisfying when you find the solution. And I just really enjoy learning, and with materials engineering, it is easy to do a deep dive into a range of topics,” Jacob Wheaton said.
How shattered glass became one student’s clear path to materials science
“I really enjoyed the smaller scale because you get to understand at an atomic level, why does a rubber band stretch? Why does glass shatter the way it does, and a metal bend? A lot of my inspiration came from MSE professors and my fellow materials engineering majors,” Masha Lebedeva said.

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